When it comes to your baby needing to drop a nap, there are 3 classic signs to look for before going ahead and dropping the nap!
Now, they usually will show one, maybe two of the signs, so don't wait to see all three because it doesn't really work like that (most of the time).
Here's classic signs #1:
Baby won't fall asleep for their last nap.
I realize this seems obvious, but maybe it's not for everyone!
I've found some parents try extraordinary efforts for long periods of time to get their child down for their last nap of the day, but if they are taking more than 20 minutes to fall asleep for the nap, and there's lots of crying/protest, then it's time to drop it.
Now, I will say that in cases like this, we like to hang onto the nap as long as possible before we drop it.
But if you're seeing lots of protests, and it's taking you more than 20 minutes to get them down each day for a week.
That my friend, is called a sign!
Classic sign #2:
Baby will fall asleep for the last nap, but bedtime is now late AND difficult.
Going along the same lines as previously, we hang onto the naps as long as we can, except when things start to get a little wild.
So if your baby is falling asleep for their last nap, and now bedtime is pushed back later and they fight going to bed, then that's the classic sign.
I don't know about you, but when bedtime is difficult, it kinda ruins things, doesn't it?
We're all for peaceful (ish) bedtimes around here!
Classic sign #3
Baby will nap, and go to bed well, even though it's late, but wakes up before 6 am, when they didn't previously.
We all have a 24 hr sleep need and because babies nap a lot, their sleep needs get spread out throughout the 24 hr clock.
So if they fulfill their sleep needs by 5 am, then they'll be well rested and no, they won't go back to sleep!
Now, onto what to do about these classic signs:
Sign #1:
Drop the last nap and move bedtime earlier.
I'm talking 6:00-6:30 pm, might be able to get away with 7 pm.
It's usually a temporary adjustment, but it will help them get the sleep they need as they now have one less nap.
Make sure to stretch their mid-day wake window to help them make it to bedtime.
Sign #2:
Drop the last nap and move bedtime earlier.
There's a theme here, can you see it?
Moving bedtime earlier can solve a lot of sleep issues, especially when your little one is in transition.
Keep in mind, most infants over the age of 4 months need a bedtime of 6:30-7:30 pm.
Sign #3:
Drop the last nap and move bedtime earlier.
There it is again!
Early mornings are a tough thing to solve, so if you're seeing this classic sign, don't wait too long to jump on dropping the last nap.
Your baby will feel better when they sleep past 6 am, and you probably will too.
Still struggling with naps and nap transitions?
Let’s talk!
Book a quick free 15-minute discovery call here and find out how we can get your baby sleeping, like a baby!
Here for you,
Melody Patton
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