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Daylight Savings! *Spring Edition*

Writer's picture: Melody PattonMelody Patton

Updated: Mar 5, 2024

Each year, twice a year, there's a super awkward weekend that we as parents have to deal with. 

Pre-kid Melody, really enjoyed the fall version of this weekend. 

The post-kid Melody doesn't like either of them. 

So here we are, dealing with this little thing and I'm here to help you out!



You've got this great routine going with your baby and they have a 7 pm bedtime and they sleep till 7 am (and if they don't, we should talk, because yes, it's possible, get in touch at the bottom of this page if you need help in that department! ) and now the time is going to change and things get kind of weird. 

Keep reading for some tips on how to adjust with the 'Spring Forward' time change coming to a home near you!

1) But First, Coffee.

Let the time chance happen overnight and worry about changing things Sunday morning.

I like this approach as I find it more manageable once the change has happened, versus trying to plan for it ahead of time. 

Wake up when you wake up (or when your baby wakes up) and start there. 

Psychologically speaking, it's less stressful for you!

2) What the nap?!

Split the difference. 

That's all you have to remember. The time change is an hour, so we're going to make adjustments by 30 minutes. 

Here's an example: 

Current schedule vs. New schedule

Wake up: 7 am >> 8 am


Nap at 9:30 and 2 pm >>10 & 2:30 pm


Bedtime: See below

By adjusting the schedule by 30 minutes for a few days, you'll then be able to go back to normal times!



3) Hello, bedtime!

If you have a baby that has a predictable bedtime (usually over 6 months old), then you would move their bedtime earlier by 15 minutes earlier each night until you reach their normal bedtime. 


Sunday night, you would put them down at 7:45 pm. 


Monday night, you would put them down at 7:30 pm. 


Tuesday night, 7:15 pm. 


Wednesday night, 7:00 pm. 

If your baby is younger than 6 months and most likely has a fluctuating bedtime, then I want you to focus on their awake times, vs. the actual time on the clock. 



4) Toddlers!

If your child takes one nap, then you'd apply the 'split the difference' strategy. 

The thing with this time change, is we are putting them to bed 30 minutes earlier. 

Pro-tip: Get outside! All that fresh air will tire them out and get them ready for sleep!

5) Older children

On Sunday, if they normally go to bed at 7:00 pm, put them to bed at 7:30 pm for 3 nights, then on the 4th night, put them to bed at 7:00 pm. 

It may take your child longer to fall asleep as with this time change, they won't be as tired. It usually takes about a week for our bodies to adjust to a new time and for some children, it takes a couple of weeks! Be consistent and be patient!

Take care of yourself as well & make sure you get enough sleep as sleep debt is real! 

Notes per age: 

Newborns: Their schedule isn't really 'set' yet, so try not to worry about their bedtime and nap times, rather focus on their wake windows! 

P.s. Newborns tend to have a 'late' schedule, meaning their bedtime is between 9-11 pm, and their rise time between 9-11 am. 

3-6 months: This age group is notorious for short naps, and fluctuating bedtimes. Be patient and continue to watch their wake windows and sleep cues! 

7-9 months: Usually this age group is able to take longer naps on their own (over an hour! if that's not happening, let's talk!). Split the difference works well for this age group! 

10-18 months: Same as before, nap time is scheduled, and if they're in daycare, there will be an abrupt change to their nap schedule and you won't be able to do much of a gradual change. Be patient! Give them a week or so to adjust to the new nap time. 

18+ months: This age group can tolerate wake window adjustments well, so get outside to help them be more tired for their nap and bedtime! 



Here for you and with you! 

Melody Patton 

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I'm a Calgary sleep consultant who works with parents of young children who are desperate for their child to sleep well consistently. They don't know what to do next and are at their breaking point. I help them teach their child to sleep better so they can relax in the evening and have more energy to enjoy their family.

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