So you've seen the signs that your baby needs to drop a nap (fighting naps, needing longer awake time, bedtime being pushed back) and you've taken the leap and dropped a nap.
But maybe it's been a couple of weeks and it still feels hard- some days your baby needs that nap that they dropped, other days, they fight the nap or it's short.
Now you find yourself googling info about nap transitions because you can't be the only one, right?
Let's address some common nap transition questions that you (and almost every other parent) have.
Let's dive in!
How long does a nap transition last?
Most nap transitions take 2-6 weeks to fully adjust.
Some nap transitions are easier, for example, 4-3 nap transitions, and 3-2.
Some require more patience and time, like the 2-1 nap transition, which in my opinion, is one of the tougher nap transitions.
The significant increase in awake time, pushing past our circadian rhythms needs to slow down at 10 and 2, and maybe it's forced because of childcare needs.
{Key point: Give yourself and your baby a few weeks to adjust to the new nap schedule. }
What to expect during a nap transition?
So your baby has dropped a nap, but does that mean that they'll never take that nap again?
No, they probably will during the transition period.
Ideally, we'd like to work on the 'new' schedule, but this is real life, and if your baby is taking short naps, and can't handle their life by late afternoon, what's a parent to do?
Let them take a nap.
It's normal to experience some flip flopping, though we do *try* to avoid it if possible.
Things that help with a nap transition:
Move bedtime up, as early at 6:30 pm
Use motion for a nap if you need them to take a longer nap
Outside activity
Watching your baby's sleep cues AND the clock
We are aiming for naps that are over an hour in length
More nap tips:
Keep your baby's feed away from their nap, at least 20-minute (read more about this here)
Do a short nap routine: sleep sack, book, sound machine and to bed awake
Keep your baby's room dark
If you're struggling with a nap transition (or naps in general), let's talk!
I help families like yours everyday with things like naps, bedtime and overnight sleep.
To start the conversation, click the button below to book a quick free 15-minute call.
Here for you,
Melody Patton
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